Our Three Most Popular Excel Authors Compared.

Our Three Most Popular Excel Authors Compared. excel

In keeping with our recent series of evaluating some of our most popular channels from various fields, here is our assessment of three of our most popular channels specialising in excel expertise on our Eloquens Platform. 

Rahim Zulfiquar Ali

Our Three Most Popular Excel Authors Compared. rahim zulf excel blogpost

Rahim Zulfiqar Ali’s Author Channel contains 60 Best Practices with many of these relating to Excel. His channel provides good value to the consumer, with this Microsoft Excel Course being offered for only $20. The course is truly conclusive with over forty different topics being covered throughout, through 45 videos and 30 excel files – it’ll surely have something to offer for everyone. After taking this course, it would potentially also be beneficial to test yourself via his excel competency wheel, for only $5, this course allows the user to reflect on their excel knowledge and see where they could possibly improve – so that they can achieve greater competency within their work in future. In addition to these, Rahim has a number of other Excel Best Practices available for purchase on his Eloquens Channel for around $5 to $50. Rahim’s channel holds the specific focus of teaching and expanding the knowledge of his clients.

Craig Hatmaker

Our Three Most Popular Excel Authors Compared. craig hatmaker

On the other hand, instead of teaching excel techniques, Craig Hatmaker’s channel focuses on creating easy ways for professionals to skip challenging excel tasks by creating ad-ins such as his BXL Format or BXL Integrity Checks Add-In. Craig’s channel specialises in easy fixes that help to improve the excel experience for users. His channel is a great option for those on more of a budget, providing quality Best Practices totally for free, or for around $10.

Aram K

Our Three Most Popular Excel Authors Compared. Screenshot 2022 12 28 at 12.33.18

Aram K’s channel shows ways in which the user can develop key aspects of their excel knowledge. To accommodate to beginner and intermediate excel users, Aram’s channel has an excellent Best Practice for helping those less knowledgable with the excel system for an accessible $15 price point in his Complete Excel Tutorial for beginner and intermediate users. In addition to this, in the same way as Craig Hatmaker, his channel contains quick fix problem solving Best Practices for free such as an automatic update of excel tab names

In conclusion

In conclusion, all three author channels provide great content and even better outcomes for those who consume their products. As the channels largely provide problem solving help, it would be best to consult all three channels to see which product would be the best fit for your issue at the time. 

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Our Three Most Popular Excel Authors Compared. 160811 New Logo Blue
Lillian Wilcox

Marketing and Author Acquisition Officer

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