Presenting at the C-level: Data, Charts and Graphics

When you are presenting to the C-suite, you want to make your time as powerful as possible. What this means is that you need to maximize the ‘insight density’ of your time, while remaining clear-sighted, cogent and compelling. One way to improve all these areas is through the way you handle and package data. Here are a few ways you can make your data jump off the screen.

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Classic Strategy Tool | McKinsey’s Three Horizons of Growth

In an era where disruptive innovation seems to be have taken hold of the business world as well as the public consciousness, it may be high time to review one of the classic McKinsey frameworks for thinking about innovation within a mature business.  Read more

Inspirational Blogs: Getting To Grips With Big Data

Normally when we do a post about our favorite bloggers we focus on one blog and why you should consider adding it to your reading list. This week we’re doing something a little different. Today we will be mentioning several blogs, and our focus will be on a single topic instead: Big Data. Read more