Book Review |Musk | The Story of the SpaceX Founder

When the long-awaited Musk was published recently, The New York Times marked the arrival by claiming that –with Steve Jobs no longer with us — Elon Musk is the only Silicon Valley leader to ‘carry a similar air of dark mystique’. This is a big claim, but after thoroughly enjoying this book, we can certainly say that Musk has some very unusual qualities.  Read more

Presenting at the C-level: Setting your strategy

This is the third part of our series on how to present at the top level of your business. Before we’ve looked at the strongest ways to use data in your presentation and how to use your own body language effectively. This week we’ll be focusing on how to structure your presentation for maximum impact. We’ll be showing you how to build the right strategy for your presentation! Read more

‘Scaling your own disruption’? Lessons from McKinsey

A few weeks ago we were discussing on this blog, the benefits of the Three Horizons approach to strategic planning. One of the key aspects of this approach is to harmonize your future with your present, and to create optionality regarding small bets with high pay-offs. This week we’re going to be looking at how you can make those bets pay big, by scaling your own disruption. Read more

Mashup | Digital Marketing

It’s been a little while since we did one of our mashup posts, so we thought we’d share some of our favorite digital marketing content from around the web. If you’re in the mood for video content then we’ve got a great TED talk for you. If you feel like checking out some great infographics then we’ve got a whole Pinterest board full of them. Whatever kind of media appeals to you right now, we’ve got the fix!

TED Talk | Derek Sivers shows us how to start a movement!

In this fantastic video Derek Sivers does in three minutes what very few other people on the planet could in twenty: he shows us how we can move others into action. By watching this video you can expect to gain access to a world where words really can change lives.

Pinterest | These infographics get right to the heart of digital marketing

What I like about these infographics is the way they distill the hot trends and key themes of contemporary digital marketing into a one graphic. For pure efficiency of narrative explanation its very hard to beat these infographics.

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Quora | What is the future of digital marketing?

Here is a great thread about the future trends of digital marketing. With input from real professionals this thread has an awful lot to offer. If you want the views of CMOs, partners and digital marketing strategists on the future of this business look no further!

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Slideshare | The fundamentals of digital marketing

If you’re looking for a a comprehensive introduction to the subject, this Slideshare deck is a fantastic resource. It takes you through the basics of setting out on the digital marketing journey. It helps you develop a purpose and a set of objectives for your online presence as well as showing how you can measure your progress. Really valuable starting point.


We hope you’ve found something in this mashup that really resonates with you. If something has, why not let us know through Twitter