Inspirational Blog: Steve Blank steveblank com small photo1

Inspirational Blog: Steve Blank

It’s been a little while since we shared a post with you on the bloggers who inspire us. So we thought that we’d bring your attention to one of our favorite blogs for small businesses, entrepreneurs and consultants. 

If you haven’t already come across Steve Blank, it’s hard to summarize his career in just a couple of sentences. It’s hard to choose which are his most impressive career highlights. In 2013, Forbes named him as one of the top 30 most influential tech voices. He has founded several successful startups (including E.piphany) and written the book ‘The Four Steps to the Epiphany’. Some have called this the book which kick-started the Lean Startup Movement. But only to highlight these few facts about Steve Blank feels a little arbitrary and we’d recommend that you check out his About Steve page for a better measure of the man. Steve has a blog which has been running for a number of years and in which shares with he shares with his followers the lessons gleaned from a career spanning from Vietnam to Silicon Valley.

The reason we like this blog is that it presents complex ideas in simple ways and yet still has enough meat to leave you gleaning their benefits days and weeks after reading. It contains the sort of insights worth mulling over. And it has a long history of doing this. This is a blog which has been going for years and posts regularly. To give you a flavor of the blog, let’s have a quick look at a few recent posts we’ve enjoyed.

Hacking For Defense In Silicon Valley

This very recent post from Steve Blank really piqued our curiosity. The range of the discussion goes from the history of military technological innovation and its relationship to lean innovation to the future of military innovation in the age of startups. The post has some radical suggestions for the way in which the US Department of Defense acquires new technology.

Getting to “Yes” for Corporate Innovation

Anyone who has ever worked within a large organization will know the feeling of being constantly up against roadblocks. Of course these problems exist in small firms too, and just like in larger companies, these blockages make it impossible to get things done and can be crippling. This post offers a novel and exciting blueprint for how to get things done faster and with fewer frictions, and how to get the naysayers on board.

 Market Type and Revenue. 2 Minutes to Find Out Why

This short video post from Steve Blank helps small businesses get to grips with the type of market in which they are positioned. The video helps the entrepreneur to understand the difference between new, existing, and resegmented markets. If you are starting your own business it’s crucial that you understand what type of market you inhabit so that you can best position yourself for success.

We hope that this selection has given you cause to be curious about Steve Blank’s blog. Thousands of readers already subscribe to his blog, and we think it might be of great use to you too, if you aren’t already one his subscribers.

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