Inspirational blog -- Consultants Mind cropped lily consultants mind 3

Inspirational blog — Consultants Mind

Whether you are already a consultant or are thinking of becoming one, it can be a lonely path to tread. It’s not just the long hours, but the project-based nature of the work. So it’s nice sometimes to realise that there’s a lot of people who enjoy the same challenges and rewards as you. If this sounds like you, why not have a look at the Consultants Mind blog.

What’s this blog about, and why should I read it?

This blog has been up and running for two years now and has already developed quite a following. It seeks to touch on almost every aspect of the consulting career, from career tips to how it feels to sign off on a big project, to posts on key consulting skills. If you’re a consultant, whether independent or in a big firm, or even are thinking about becoming a consultant, we really recommend checking out this blog.

Why do we recommed it so highly? Well, firstly, it’s useful. There are loads of hints and tips on consulting skills, which could help you advance in your career. Secondly, we really appreciate the honesty of the blog. The author tells it how it is, doesn’t pull any punches and doesn’t let rose-tinted glasses dim his view of this fascinating profession. Finally, it’s thought-provoking and he often tackles issues in ways we wouldnt have thought of. We also like the mix of shorter and longer posts. There’s something to fit your every mood or time frame for reading

Here are a selection of their most recent posts:

Two best things in consulting: thank you and good bye

In this post the author describes the feeling of relaxation and satisfaction when he can successfully finish a project.

Consulting advice: be likable, be yourself

It’s not often that people mention the importance of personal skills when involved with clients, but here the author hits the nail on the head.

Scalability: 10 reasons it’s hard to scale

Here he talks about how it’s not always as easy as people assume to simply scale things up by coying and pasting things that work at a bigger level.


We hope this should be all the enticement you need to have a quick look at this blog and see if it’s for you. Do remember that we love getting your comments on which blogs you find useful and inspiring!







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