Tag Archive for: source

Core Data Sources for Japan

Do you need to source data about Japan’s economy or political scene? It can be hard to know where to start when searching for data so we’ve come up with three suggestions for places to start. Japan is the world’s third largest economy. Because of its importance to the global economy there is a wealth of data to be found. We’ve chosen these data sources because they represent a good balance between private and governmental data provision. They also offer a wide range of data from financial to governmental to demographic.

Core Data Sources for Japan e logo new The Statistics Bureau is the government of Japan statistics hub. It’s the place to go to if you’re looking for statistics on population, economics, inflation or even surveys of people’s leisure activities.

Core Data Sources for Japan header logo The Ministry of Finance is the first hub you should look at for financial data such as Balance of Payments or Foreign Currency Reserves, this website is the place to go. It’s from the government of Japan’s Ministry of Finance and so is a reputable source.

Core Data Sources for Japan LibGuidesBanner The folks at Yale have compiled this useful database of statistical resources about Japan. As well as ‘statistical yearbooks’, containing over 750 different types of statistical data, it offers historical statistics and even current public opinion polls.

If you have Japan-specific data sources you like and trust let us know through the comment section.


Useful Data Sources for the UK

Are you looking for data on the British market? The UK is one of the world’s larger economies and is ranked among the top countries for openness of its statistical data, which is good news if you’re looking to find stats! Here are three very reliable hubs with access to a very large range of data. Whether you’re looking for transport stats or health figures these providers have the data.

Useful Data Sources for the UK mainlogo tcm119 19821 The Statistics website from the UK government is the first place to look if you are looking for UK-specifics. This is the central hub for all UK government publications. The UK government has an excellent record of credibility in its data reporting. This site has links to data sets from Agriculture and Enviroment to Business and Energy to Population. It even has information on things like Travel and Health.

Yougov is a great way of taking the temperature of the UK. They take a wide variety of topical polls on subjects from politics to sporting events to popular culture and publish the results online.

Useful Data Sources for the UK header statistics The Bank of England provides a great deal of information about monetary and macroeconomic variables for you to take advantage of from GDP data to inflation figures to derivatives surveys. It is a well-recognized leader on British social data.

What about you? What sources do you find useful when looking for UK economic and business data? Let us know in the comment section.


We don’t know if you’ve come across Technorati, but if you haven’t it might be a really useful tool for your online toolbox. Read more

Hints: getting the most out of Google search

Google is doing a brilliant job coming up with answers for our everyday life. In an professional context we might need to be a bit more demanding. There are several ways in which you can obtain more precise search results. Here are a few hints and tips that can help improve the amount of value you get from Google. Read more

Useful Data Sources for Germany

Do you need German business data for your project or presentation? Here we outline three key sources which we believe may be a great starting place for you. Germany’s data is of real importance. It is as the world’s fourth largest economy and the biggest component of the world’s largest economic bloc, the European Union. We’ve chosen these three sources for their outstanding record of credibility. German government sources can be implicitly relied on. They also have a good range of topics from economic indicators to demographics.

Useful Data Sources for Germany logoDestatis.png;jsessionid=456CA1276662F16C12A59D316F5646D2De Statis is the primary source for German statistics. It is a neutral service provider for the Federal German Government. If you’re looking for financial statistics like Production figures or Health Spending then this is a great place to start. It also deals with political and transport data.

Useful Data Sources for Germany logo a.jpg;jsessionid=AD4758FFCD6A4BBF3BCA737D420D76E5 Bund is a very useful portal for statistics websites about Germany with links to the official websites for trade and the economy, political administration and education.

Useful Data Sources for Germany logo a The Bundesbank’s statistics website is rich in economic and financial data.


This list is intended as a way of getting your feet wet, so to speak. If you have other data sources which you use and trust we’d love to continue the coversation through our comment section.