Tag Archive for: business strategy

Conversation with Matt McDonald: Forming Your Business Strategy

MattfinalWe’ve been really looking forward to sharing this conversation we had recently with Matt McDonald. Matt has worked for McKinsey in New York and was Associate Director of Communication at the White House. Now he’s working for Hamilton Place Strategies, a public policy consultancy based in Washington DC.

This is the first part of the conversation we had with Matt recently in which we discussed just what it is that makes or breaks business strategy. We hope you enjoy it.

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Mashup: Creating your Business Strategy


It’s that time again where we bring you our latest Mashup! This time around we’re going to be looking at how to create and implement your business strategy. We’ll be suggesting a range of great sources from Quora and Ted Talks to Pinterest and Slideshare. You can either pick and choose which of these media appeals to you and take the quick win, or you can grab a cup of coffee and settle in to enjoy all of them together. Either way you can be sure you’ll be inspired and energized. Read more

Classic strategy tools: Porter’s Four Corners Model

Firms don’t exist in isolation. It’s jungle out there and it’s every firm for themselves. This makes the strategists job more complicated. It’s not enough simply for the analyst to look at their own core competencies and attempt to maximize them. No, the corporate strategists job is also to out-maneuver their chief competitors. Here we look at one of the classic strategy tools used to figure out what your competitors’ likely next moves are.

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