Inspirational Blog: Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is a big name, and with good reason.  He’s a marketing guru, ‘evangelist’ and startup founder whose resume since the 1980s includes both Apple and Google. He has in the past co-founded his own VC shop as well as founding and selling several of his own startups. He shares the wisdom of his experience through his blog. He also gives in excess of 50 keynote speeches a year. 

Why read Guy?

So why should you read what Guy has to say? What’s in it for you? Well, there are some things that are worth more than their weight in gold. Top quality experience at the highest level is one of those things. Guy Kawasaki has top level experience by the barrel-load.

As well as well as 30 years experience at the top of the most influential business sectors of our generation, Guy has 30 years experience as a communicator. After Stanford he worked for a while in the jewelry business. It was here he claims that he learned how to sell and how to communicate crisply.

Guy’s talent for communication shines through his blog and makes it a pleasurable experience to read his articles. It allows him to share hard-won experience in an easily accessible and intuitively comprehensible way.

Recent article examples?

Guy has quite a broad range of output, but always with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

One recent post of his that we enjoyed was about how scaling can be an over-rated concept for startups.  This is a controversial opinion, but one that he supports from his deep experience at the cutting edge of the startup scene. Even if you disagree, it is well worth a read simply to get such a refreshing challenge to your own beliefs.

Another post dissects – if that’s the right word – the process of conducting a pre-mortem on your business, so that you don’t end up having to do a post-mortem on it. The concept he outlines is both clear and memorable, and has insights that ought to be valuable to many entrepreneurs.

We also found this recent article about how to be an ‘intrapreneur’ and to innovate from within a large organization very helpful. It is inspiring, knowledgeable and practical.

These examples of Guy’s output reflect the scope — and in many ways, discipline — of his blog. He shines the light of his experience on a wide array of subjects and yet at its core his blog is always about innovation and how to make your business succeed. Every business owner, entrepreneur or ambitious employee should find these qualities engaging.

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