Classic Strategy Tool | Hoshin Planning System

Execution is a critical part of strategy. Without execution, strategy is all talk, just hot air. Unfortunately, turning strategy into execution is often the hard part. However, there are several strategy tools to help you connect the dots between your plans, objectives and resources. One great strategy tool to help you with this is the Hoshin Planning System. Read more

Why Most Firms Fail to Benefit from Growth Outside Their Core Business

A recent survey from McKinsey & Co shows that while many companies are trying to grow outside their core business very few are making substantial gains. What is going wrong, and what are the best practices to extract maximum value from non-core growth? Read more

The Basic Principles Of Strategy That Have Stayed True For 30 Years!

We just came across an interesting piece from Andrew Campbell, Director of the Ashridge Strategic Management Centre and thought we would share with you its key thoughts. Campbell is the co-author of ‘Strategy for the Corporate Level: Where to Invest, What to Cut Back and How to Grow Organisations with Multiple Divisions’, and in his recent blog post he reminds us of some interesting truths about the foundations of solid strategy. Read more

What we can learn from LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman: an insider’s view

Celebrated bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell tells us that 10,000 hours is the average amount of time you need to dedicate to a skill to become an expert. Well, Ben Casnocha has spent 10,000 hours working alongside LindedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and has recently written a long essay about what he has learned along the way. You can find this essay on his blog, and it’s well worth the read.  Read more